Thursday 15 March 2007

SPM Blunder

This was in the news a few days back.

This poor girl was purportedly hailed as the best student in the country, scoring a massive 19 1A in her SPM examinations, beating the previous record of 17 1A previously held by another girl a few years back.

And the best part is, there was already banners and posters glorifying her achievement from where she came from.
Unfortunately, when the results were really released, she only scored a 18 As ... which four A's were 2A .... (by my standard, that's a crazy result already)

Can you imagine the mental torture the poor girl has to endure? All the hype and publicity and then, whoosh ... it was all a BLUNDER by the MEDIA.

Another point i like to make is, are we too obsessed with the number of A's rather than the overall performance of our students?

And how come the media has the information even before the results have been released?

All in all, poor girl. Imagine saying you won a Billion Dollar lottery and then tell you it was a blunder.


Anonymous said...

If giving false hope was a crime, those elders plus the media, are liable to be charged. And if i were the girl, i'd be thankful for my results and everyone else can kiss my a**.


I agree.

Sometimes I just wonder why is it so important to glorify our top achiever.Why not do that when they actually do make a difference, to themselves or the community?

Now i fully comprehend why some parents are already sending their 3 to 4 year old kids for tuition and such.

Shouldnt they be watching telly or playing marbles.


Anonymous said...

everybody's getting more competitive, is what. but kids should just be kids and the adults should let them be. we've had that opportunity and we still end up happy. rite? thats why if u grow up kat kampung, u'll have a more memorable childhood than budak bandar who's parents expectations sometimes exceed even their own talents.

hey, shall i link you?


lady, of course u can link me =)